
Goldilocks & the three bears

Hi everyone!

During this term we've worked on the traditional tale Goldilocks and the three bears.

Through this story we've been able to learn the vocabulary corresponding to the parts of the house: kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom; some of the main items we can find in them and their size (big, medium-sized, small).


Phonics /TH/ /th/

 Hi everyone!

The last sound we have learnt this term is the /th/ sound. This syllable can be pronounced as: 

/ð/(voiced): This, that, these, those... 

/θ/(voiceless): Three, thief, thin, think...

For both sounds we have to place our tongue between our upper and lower teeth, for the first one there is going to be vocal cord vibration and for the second there isn't. The easiest way to tell the difference is to put your fingers on your throat and see if you can feel vibrations.

TH is for... THIEF


Phonics /OO/ /oo/

Hi everyone!

Lately, we've been working on the /oo/ sound. We've learnt that it can be pronounced as: 

- /ʊ/ (a short u): Book, foot, cook, wood... 

// (a long u): Spoon, food, moon, broom... 

Those two sounds resemble the singing of a cuckoo, that's why we made our own CUCKOO CLOCKS



 Hi everyone!

During the past few weeks we've been doing lots of scary activities related to HALLOWEEN.

· Giant Memory:

· Learning Stations:



· Arts & Crafts:

· Halloween Brew:

And we have prepared a dance for the Halloween show!



Phonics /QU/ /qu/

Hi everyone!

The first sound we've been working on this academic year is /qu/

QU is for... QUACK



Two Little Dickie Birds Lyrics in English 

The lyrics of the Two Little Dickie Birds poem are below:   

Two little dickie birds,
Sitting on a wall; 
One named Peter, 
One named Paul. 
Fly away Peter! 
Fly away Paul! 
Come Back Peter! 
Come Back Paul!  


Two, four, six, eight - Skipping rope rhyme

We continue learning songs and rhymes that kids can use while playing on the street or at the playground.
This time it is a jump rope song!!


Phonics /EE/ /ee/ and /OR/ /or/

Here comes the next diagraph that we have learned. The sounds /ee/ and /or/.


Like in...

Phonics /OA/ /oa/

The next sound we've learned is the diagraph /OA/ 

2 LETTERS but only 1 SOUND!!


Phonics /AI/ /ai/


Phonics /TH/ /th/

Phonics /j/ /J/

We have even made our OWN JELLY!! 😏


1. Prepare the necessary materials.

2. Fill a container with 250 ml of water.

3. Heat up the water until it boils and pour it into a pan.

4. Drop the jelly powder and stir for about 3 minutes.

5. Pour the mix into the molds.

6. Get the molds into the fridge for about 2-3 hours.

7. ENJOY 😋


Hi everyone! On the 25th of February we are going to the theatre 🎭 to watch the play PLASTIC , about plastic pollution in our oceans. Here...